MassageSupplier Massage Table Hammock, Portable Shelf for Storage Under Portable, Wood-Frame Massage Tables, Store Bolsters, Sheets, Cushions, Pillow and Supplies off the Floor of your Therapy Space

Simply and elegantly made, this table shelf will work nicely on portable massage tables made with standard cabling. Find extra room to store your bolsters, pillows, and sheets right under your own therapy table!

PORTABLE: Can easily be left in place as you fold your table down to go to another location, without removing it.

WASHABLE: Keep it clean and sanitary by washing it, and futher making your space sanitary as you store your cushions, bolsters, sheets and other light supplies off the floor!

PRACTICAL: The simple design uses velcro to wrap aound the cable system of any massage table with wood frame construction. It is NOT made for the complex, angular cables used to make aluminum tables.

OPTIMAL: Maximizing your storage is ideal, but so is keeping the floor space free to move your toes and a client’s toes from bumping into things. The cleaner look is more spa-like and keeps the supplies on the shelf from being in the eye of the client as easily too.

AFFORDABLE: We keep our prices affordable, for every budget, and think you will find an excellent value in this table shelf!

Product Features

  • PORTABLE STORAGE FOR MASSAGE TABLES: This portable shelf storage solution can go with you when you go, without removal before you fold up your table to go somewhere else, travel, or simpley store it away!
  • IDEAL FOR WOOD FRAME TABLES: Fits easily and simply on the cabling system of all wood frame table with standard cabling.
  • WASHABLE: Keep your work environment clean and sanitary with this washable shelf
  • FREE UP FLOOR SPACE: Enjoy greater comfort as you move around the table, as your accessories are stored off the floor and movement around the table is easy. It’s also cleaner to be able to vacuum or clean under your table when your accessories are off the floor.
  • LIGHT WEIGHT: Adds only a few ounces to your setup, so if you do store or travel with your table, the weight is barely noticeable.